March 8, 2011

"We're so busy watching out for what's just ahead of us that we don't take time to enjoy where we are."

It's funny how you can find yourself in one of the most, gorgeous serene places that you've ever been, yet still find things to stress out about. One of the lessons we all tend to hear on repeat again and again throughout childhood is "live in the now", "worrying is like a rocking chair - it won't get you anywhere", "don't waste today"..... well, I've always found myself struggling a bit with this concept - especially since I'm an annoyingly-so, detail oriented, worry wort...

I came back to Melbourne in January and began my job search for dietetics/nutrition positions once again. After many, MANY returned resumes and seemingly repetitive talks with job search didn't go anywhere. I am slightly embarrassed - because I truly wish this wasn't the case. When it came down to it, people just weren't willing to give a position to someone with a year working visa verse an Australian resident. (Or I should've sucked it up and taken the Australian registration exam back in November...but I won't get into that!) On the other hand, this experience has changed me in many ways I never imagined possible. Being so far from home and 100%....okay 95%....self-sufficient has made me much more independent and self-confident than I ever was before. My views on life and where I want to go/what I want to be are constantly challenged. I hope to not take things in life for granted and to always be passionate at what I do - whatever that may be. I am constantly surrounded by health articles, news casts, simply day-to-day signs about nutrition. As I might have mentioned before, it's so interesting to see gluten-free options in most restaurants, dietitians at almost every fitness club and simply general knowledge on the subject. At least once a day I see something I want to look up or learn about...and in that way I like to think of nutrition as still a big part of my life.

I've spent the last three months in Melbourne working/worrying about finances and yet at the same time trying to live up my time here as much as possible. Coming back from holiday with little savings left and a flat not quite ready to move into can be a bit stressful. I am lucky, however, to have the incredible friends and support that everyone needs when life and job searching gets a bit rough. One of my housemates noticed I was beginning to worry too much about my job situation - it was pretty much eating away at me, making me miserable. He made me realize that dwelling on the situation was never going to solve anything or make me I needed to do something about it. I'm in Australia - an amazing, gorgeous, wild, scary, ever surprising country! Make the most of what you have and live your life. I feel like the luckiest person to have found myself where I am yes, jobs may not be ideal - but I'm surrounded by friends in a wonderful country I've yet to see only a fraction of!

Last month, a group of us traveled to the Great Ocean Road. It is about an 8 hour journey, starting 2 hours south of Melbourne, along the shore. Travelers can find themselves stopping at surf towns, along remote beaches or high cliffs, or at one of the many tourist attractions. With the ocean on your left and rainforest on your right, I couldn't imagine a more gorgeous drive. We spent the weekend "learning to surf" (I use that term loosely because I was absolutely terrible), petting a koala on the side of the road, exploring The 12 Apostles in Port Campbell National Park and stopping at beach towns along the way. It was exactly what I needed to put everything back into perspective and stop worrying about what's ahead of me. I had an incredible weekend that reminded me of why I came to this country in the first place. I may not be able to change the job portion of my life - but I can make sure that I am fulfilling everything else I came here to do. Challenge myself as an individual. Explore other cultures and their values/ideals. Make lasting friendships. Discover the strange and beautiful places. Question my goals. Follow or even change my a koala, shake hands with a kangaroo, and learn how to surf!!!!!!

Life is all about balance. If one part is down, make sure you are doing everything else to the best of your capability. As annoying and as corny as I sound - no one likes a 'debbie downer' or 'negative nancy'. Next time you find yourself stressed...go for a run, try something new like hot yoga (shout out KJ) or boxing, get a drink with a friend, or go to your favorite cafe and relax with a coffee. This blog is for my family. As much as I miss you soo soo much (the downside to this adventure....), I promise you that this year will be a year that I will always look back on as something that has forever changed me. UPSIDE :)

Miss you all. My next post: our upcoming adventure. Google Perth...hint hint.

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